www www.sarbloh.info


This website by its nature has caused an uproar amongst the narrow minded mainstream Sikhs who are angered due to the vast amount of scriptural and historical facts presented here. Such so-called Sikhs are going to great lengths at attempting to ridicule the people responsible for this website by making accusations of Sanatan Sikhs being nothing but part of the R.S.S. (a right wing Hindu fundamentalist political party in India), or by throwing petty insults.

The imagery employed on the website has provoked an extreme reaction. To such people, we ask these people to read the Epilogue in detail before making such rash judgements.

Many Sikh-related discussion forums are alight with news of this website much to the dismay of pro-S.G.P.C. Sikhs. Some websites, such as those run by the A.K.J. have even taken active steps to label www.sarbloh.info as being 'anti-Sikh' simply because it does not conform to their British Raj-nurtured Tat-Khalsa Singh Sabia blend of narrow-minded Sikhism.

Other websites (which shall remain nameless for the moment) have chosen to target the makers of www.sarbloh.info directly, and label them as being 'Nang' (a derogatory term used for fake Nihang Singhs) in an attempt to appease thier own ego, or to conduct their own manhunts to prevent the spread of the information presented on this website.

Such low level acts are a reflection the sad state of affairs within certain mainstream Sikhism groups and its followers which will stoop to any level in order to ensure that their puritanical narrow-minded version of Sikhism remains in existance, be it against the principles of the Sanatan Sikh Gurus.

www.sarbloh.info has been designed to provide information regarding the Sanatan Sikh world, its origins, heritage, traditions and philosophy. We would like to thank the many individuals and groups who have assisted in providing information for this website, and who continue to support us (see Acknowledgements section).

The creators of this website ask the public at large to assist in making www.sarbloh.info a better resource on Sanatan Sikhism and related topics. To this end, we ask for input from all those who wish to contribute in its development (please see this section to learn more as to how you may assist in this venture: A Humble Request).

For the latest developments, and to stay in touch with current events regarding www.sarbloh.info and its related websites, please see the Announcements section.

You may also wish to visit our sister-site, www.shastarvidiya.org which reveals the world of the traditional Indian Sikh battlefield combat arts of the Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa.

For more information on how to get in touch with us, please click here.


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